just keeping in touch with home

Monday, January 07, 2008

Kanchanaburi, Thailand 4

We had lunch and then stopped to hang out at a waterfall for a while ā€“ we had to wait while our guide and the driver went to vote for the national election. The waterfall was nice, a disappointment compared to Erawan, but to the families living in the area, this was their sweet spot for a day off ā€“ a Sunday afternoon. The pool below was full of kids. There were hundreds of blankets laid out in the shade of the trees with families sitting and eating. Like Koreans, always eating. It seemed like the entire town was there, eating in the shade. The water was too dirty to jump in.

In Kanchanaburi, they barbecue eggs. They also have tiny red hot chilli peppers, about the size of a chicken toe, that are so hot just touching the tip to your lips will burn them. The fried banana is excellent, and the fresh pineapple.

Kanchanaburi especially, reminds me of Chiapas. Same look, same feel, except with elephants, safe travel, less garbage, fewer banditos and no machine guns on the streets. I guess Iā€™m saying the nature, the landscape seems the same. Another difference, the buses are quiet here. No wild decorations and no tropical party tunes, which i miss. Just the sound of European travel talk ā€“ Dutch, Swedish, German, French.

I love listening to Dutch people talk. Sounds like everything they say is telling a joke.

A typical sight.


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